and smile….best present you could ever make

Belonging. December 25, 2008

Filed under: Uncategorized — marinutza @ 10:08 am

 – to a place where it’s warm, where the house is full with liveley animals – a baby dog and two crazy cats

-to a room where lying on the bed I can watch the stars and see the snow falling on the roof-top window

-to a city that smells like cinnamon and Christmas trees and has a lot of special places and cafes and familiar faces when walking on the streets

-to a Bistro where the hot chocolate, tea and gomboti are like mum’s….and where the music and the lights make me feel like home is the best place on Earth

-to a very close place to home where snow falls on my face, where I feel the inevitable urge to open my mouth and eat snow, to where during the week there’s almost noone skiing, but the people that actually live close to the slope

-to a community that strangly and sureley every year gathers for Christmas Eve and enjoys the Christmas Messe in der Schwarzen Kirche in Kronstadt – organ concert and Stille Nacht being sang only on candle light background. Where almost all faces are familiar, from J Honterus highschool….

-to walking on the streets, meeting people I’ve never talked before but knowing them from highschool, skiing slope, the voleyball team, neighbour schools….from the bus no 1 while going and coming back from school every day – and just greeting them with a smile. And receiving a smile back.

-to diving in a chair and re-watching the best movies, having a lot of lights coming from candles, tree decorations and neighbour houses.

-to a circle of people that wherever they might be in the world, they all come back home at this time of year, and it takes around one minute to feel the things that connect you to them again. and start doing the crazy things again. and to the ones that have been constant in my life, ever since we were little kids. and to the very few that have made it into this circle in the past years 🙂

-to myself, and redescovering that all over again….

Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year, wherever you are in the world!


old…as i’ve understood. new for me, though…:) December 19, 2008

Filed under: Uncategorized — marinutza @ 11:29 am



Festivalul Filmului Francez 2008 December 4, 2008

Filed under: Uncategorized — marinutza @ 10:25 am

Intre 5 si 11 decembrie va avea loc Festivalul Filmului Francez 2008 la Bucuresti, si sunt tare bucuroasa sa aud asta. Anul acesta vor fi peste 40 de filme, in cateva cinematografe din Bucuresti, la Studio, La Patria, Elvira Popescu, CinemaPro….si deja mi-am facut programul.

Vor fi cateva zile pline de nostalgie de Paris, de Franta, de abia astept! Va invit sa va alegeti filmele pe care vreti sa le vedeti de aici :

Ne vedem pe acolo!….pe undeva 🙂


sentimente si intrebari December 2, 2008

Filed under: Uncategorized — marinutza @ 11:46 am

Ieri a fost 1 Decembrie, Ziua Nationala a Romaniei…S-au implinit 90 de ani de la Marea Unire…. si dintr-un access de confort, am stat acasa, cu ai mei. Am vb istorie, mi-a povestit tata ca pe vremuri istoria Unirii…am mancat de seara cu ei, si ascultam la radio povesti ale oamneilor care fusesera prezenti la Unire, sau ai caror parinti fuesera prezenti la Alba Iulia. Mi-am amintit cum se sarbatoreste 1 Decembrie la Alba, si cat imi placea sa stiu ca langa satul bunicii mele e mare Sarbatoare. Faptul ca totul s-a petrecut la Alba, ma face sa fiu extrem de mandra de faptul ca acolo am crescut, si cand aud cum se vorbeste mi se inmoaie genunchii… Duminica am petrecut-o cu niste prietenii, printre care Vlad din Alba si Andrei din Sighisoara, si am vorbit cat am putut de putin, imi era mai mare dragul sa ii aud pe ei vorbind…


Dar a trecut repede farmecul zilei, au venit stirile pe TOATE canalele noastre, stiri cum ca “le’a dat cu zecimale” la numaratoarea voturilor, cum ca unii’s mai tari decat ceilalti si cum ca Romania tre sa ajunga pe mainile “cui trebuie”…sinistru!!!! Nu si-a mai amintit nimeni de ziua nationala, nu s-a mai dus nici un “oficial” sa depuna coroane la Alba Iulia, pentru ca a trecut ziua alegerilor, si pentru ca noi asa suntem…facem ce facem pt altii, sa ne vada altii, sa ne placa, sa ne aleaga si sa ne spuna ca suntem cei alesi. Nu facem nimic pt noi, pt sufletele noastre, pt ceilalti din jur, daca nu sta cineva sa se uite la noi sa ne laude (asta daca nu ne-am “promovat brandul personal” destul de bine).


Mi s-a mai inveselit ziua cand l-am vazut de Dragos Bucurenci la TVR1…a luat cu MaiMultVerde si proiectele lor recunostinta “Romania din Suflete”…


Pana una alta, la multi ani cu intarziere, si sper ca macar o urma de Romania are fiecare in suflet…